Hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy that involves the use of smooth, heated stones. The massage therapist places the hot stones on specific points on your body and may also hold the stones while giving the massage.

The localized heat and weight of the stones warm and relax muscles, allowing the massage therapist to apply deeper pressure to those areas without causing discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

The hot stones are smooth and typically several inches long. The stones should be warmed using a professional electric massage stone heater so that the temperature can be controlled.

If the stones are too hot or uncomfortable, be sure to let the massage therapist know immediately. Stones that are too hot can cause burns.

The heat of the stones allows the massage therapist to work on deep tissue if needed. As with any massage, however, massage therapy shouldn’t hurt and you should tell your massage therapist if you feel any pain.

Massage is generally safe, although according to the National Institutes of Health, there have been rare reports of serious side effects, such as a blood clot, nerve injury, or bone fracture.2

While hot stone massage is generally considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed massage therapist, it’s not right for everyone. Children and people who are pregnant should avoid hot stone massage.

Consult your doctor if you have a medical condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, varicose veins, migraines, autoimmune disease, decreased pain sensitivity, cancer, autoimmune disease, epilepsy, tumors, or metal implants, or are on medication that thins the blood.

Also, check with your doctor if you have had recent surgery or have recent wounds or areas of weakened or inflamed skin.

Basics of Hot Stone Massage

The hallmark of hot stone massage is the use of heated stones. Basalt river rocks are typically used because they are smooth (from the river’s current) and retain heat well.


In preparation for the treatment, the massage therapist heats the stones in a professional stone heater until they are within a precise temperature range, typically between 110 and 130 F. To prevent burns, microwaves, ovens, hot plates, and slow cookers should never be used.

While massage therapists often use anatomy to guide the placement of the stones, some therapists will also place stones on points thought to energetically balance the mind and body.


Swedish massage therapy techniques are typically used during the massage, which may include long strokes and kneading and rolling.

People often describe hot stone massage as comforting and deeply relaxing. The warmth is soothing for people who tend to feel chilly. The heat of the stones relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist to work deeper while using lighter pressure.

There is a lack of research on the benefits of hot stone massage. Although some preliminary studies have suggested that massage, in general, may provide benefits to people with conditions including prenatal depression, pain syndromes such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, and aging-related conditions including Parkinson’s and dementia

People often use hot stone massage for the following conditions:

Back pain

  • During the massage, the therapist places stones on specific points on the body. While the points may vary depending on the areas of muscle tension and the client’s health history, the stones are generally placed in the following areas:Along both sides of the spine
    In the palms of your hand
    On your legs, abdomen, feet
    Small stones may be placed between the toes or on the forehead.After the stones are placed on your body, it may take a few minutes for the heat to penetrate the sheet or towel so you can discern whether the stones are too hot.The therapist applies massage oil to the skin. Holding stones in both hands, the therapist uses gliding movements to move the stones along the muscles. The therapist uses Swedish massage techniques on the back, legs, neck, and shoulders while the stones are in place or after they have been removed.

    The length of a typical hot stone massage is between 60 and 90 minutes. Hot stone massage has continued to evolve, with many massage therapists and spas offering their own versions of the massage.